Combining pink cardstock, chipboard letters, felt flowers, ribbon and cute paper we were able to create a great little "thank you" for our kids' kindergarten teacher. A lot of times I see the paper decoupaged onto the tin, in an effort to keep things a little cleaner, we skipped the decoupage and simply used tape runner adhesive to attach everything. I still pop in to see Ms. Evans now and again and she keeps this on her desk far everything has stayed attached!
Here's a list of what was inside:
Elmer's Glue "You're the Glue that holds our class together"
White Chalk "Chalk one up to an awesome teacher"
Cute Post-it Notes "Thanks for such a noteworthy year"
Ever sharp Pencils "You sharpened my mind"
Stapler and Staples "Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, Thanks for teaching me the staples"
Scissors "You're a cut above the rest"
Thumbtacks "Thanks to you I'm sharp as a tack"
Highlighters "You're the highlight of my year"
Yummy French Mints from Cerrettas Chocolates "You're worth a mint to me!"
On to my daughter's teacher, whose last name is Hopson and she happens to LOVE frogs...which was perfect inspiration for her gift.
Going with the frogs as our theme, I covered the outside in Bazzill bling cardstock. The front has a layered tag that reads "Mrs. Hopson Your class is TOADALLY awesome". I used a bit of ribbon at the bottom combined with a chipboard flower. All I did to finish the flower was to rub it with brown ink...THATS IT and it was perfect!
The inside is filled with almost the same things as the first tin...a few difference but each teacher definitely had some of those fantastic French Mints...what more could a girl want?!
Before we were an exclusive chipboard and laser cut company, we were a small scrapbook store in Peoria, AZ. Over the last few years many local stores were forced to close their doors, I'd like to encourage everyone out there to remember how important your purchases are to the small business owner. I'd also like to say thanks to the girls at Scrapbooks to Remember for the darling frog paper and bazzill bling cardstock, it was too perfect!